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After speaking with an rep, we can now undoubtedly tell you that Twitter is most definitely coming to GM’s OnStar service. I was actually featured in a piece here on Seattle’s KING 5 News, where I talked a bit about the features that OnStar is saying will be available. On the flip-side, they also talk to a Washington State Patrol officer, who says that even though this would be a hands-free activity, it is just one more thing that is taking your mind off of driving.

OnStar didn’t give us a timeframe for when the Twitter integration would launch, but hey, at least now you know that our original Twitter on OnStar article wasn’t an April Fools joke…although, Trooper Brandon Lee’s bow tie very well might be.

As always, you can follow Gear Live on Twitter.

Gallery: Confirmed: Twitter officially coming to OnStar


Google CarMany areas in the UK, such as shopping centers and streets, have surveillance cameras. But Broughton residents had had enough and formed a human chain to keep out a car that was shooting for Google Street View. Paul Jacobs noticed the car and got ticked off enough to round up his neighbors to block the road. By the time the police showed up, the car had left the area. This is not the first time Street View has had complaints. Pictures of shelters for battered woman in the U.S. were previously removed.

Read More | ABC News

Gallery: UK Residents Block Google Street View Car

OnStar Twitter

OnStar users, look out— is about to become a part of your experience. How so? Well, being an owner of a couple of Cadillacs with OnStar built-in, we sometimes receive surveys or phone calls asking us how we are liking things. Nothing out of the ordinary. However, in today’s survey, I found a portion that was particularly interesting:

“While in your vehicle, you can use OnStar to submit and retrieve tweets (messages) via your Twitter account. Using OnStar’s Voice-Activated Hands-Free Calling system, and having your voice converted into text, you can provide updates which would appear in the “What are you doing?” section of your Twitter homepage. It is also possible to listen to a tweet that was sent to you by someone else after it has been converted into voice. You can send and receive tweets without having to type or read anything.”

Did you get that? Voice to text conversion using your in-car hands-free system so that you can both post to Twitter, and hear what is going on with your friends. Kind of crazy when you first think about it, but after a few minutes, you can start to imagine some cool uses. You can voice-tweet something like “I’m headed to downtown Seattle, where can I find the best slice of pizza?” You can then listen for responses, and when you hear one, have OnStar direct you to that location. Or you can just, you know, mess around on Twitter while driving without trying to juggle your iPhone and the steering wheel.

No word on when exactly the service will go live. Oh, and you can follow Gear Live on Twitter.

Gallery: Exclusive: Twitter integration coming to OnStar

Self-Healing PlasticScientists from the University of So. Mississippi created a new material that can be put on cars and when scratched, can heal itself. The technology consists of a polyurethane coating with added chitosan, a polymer in crab and shrimp shells. Then oxetane rings, with 3 atoms of carbon and one of oxygen, are added. The mixture is said to mimic the natural process of healing. Published in an issue of Science, Biswajit Ghosh and Marek Urban claim that this technique is simple and cost-efficient.

Read More | ARS Technica

Gallery: Self-Healing Scratches With Polyurethane Car Coating

Charles SumonyiLucky Charles Simonyi is going back into space March 26, the first private citizen to make a return trip. He will conduct a series of experiments as well as communicate with students via HAM radio on the ISS (ARISS) during the 12 day trek. We first mentioned him back in 2007 and now, like then, he will continue to blog from his website and feature live video and audio content from NASA TV in his “Follow the Updates” section. Although the second flight is undoubtedly still costing him a fortune, we expect he will reuse his suit.

Read More | Charles in Space

Gallery: Charles Going Back to Space

NanoToday is the day that Tata Motors debuts its Nano in Mumbai, India. The starting price of $1999.00 means that it is pretty basic. The car is 10.2 ft. long, has a 623cc rear engine, a very small trunk and only one windshield wiper. Power steering, a radio and air conditioner are optional. The fact that it doesn’t have airbags or antilock brakes tells us that it will undoubtedly not reach the States without some upgrading. Tata Motors has been having financial problems of late so we hope the mini-car can get them out of their difficulties.

Read More | USA Today

Gallery: Nano Vehicle Released in India

252º Living Area

With the mortgage crisis resulting in so many homeless, would that this design by Stephanie Bellanger, Amaury Watine, François Gustin and David Dethoor be duplicated by the dozens. The 252º Living Area is a trailer that converts into a living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and office. A sliding screen covers the mobile mini-house to keep nasty insects and small creatures out. It would certainly be simple to keep moving should one get shut out of a park area, parking lot or back street.


Read More | Yanko

Gallery: 252º Living Area Prototype

Cars Screenshot

In this time of trying to save some bucks, one new site will help you do that when it comes to transportation. Carsforagrand.com has collected hundreds of those that are being sold for less than $1,000.00. Choices include American made and foreign, older, crashed and parts cars and the listings are updated daily. Search by brand or zip code to find one in your area or subscribe to their newsletter. We tracked a couple of the deals and traced them to eBay, but at least the legwork is done.


Read More | Carsforagrand

Gallery: Cars For A Grand (or Less)

Bike Crash CamInstall the Bike Crash Camera on your bicycle, car or motorcycle and you can capture that bus that almost hit you or the kid that tried to steal your bike. The camera has a high res 1280x1024 picture, a 2.0mm wide angle lens, and a rechargeable battery. The 7.0 x 4.7 x 2.0 camera has a view range of 105º range and comes with mount, AC and car adapters and USB cable for PC connection at a price of $266.00.

Read More | brando

Gallery: Bike Crash Camera

Node 3We told you last week about NASA looking for help naming their new Node 3 module, and if you are into “The Colbert Report” you undoubtedly heard that he dissed the names that they came up with, Earthrise, Legacy, Serenity and Venture.

“Those aren’t space modules, those are organic teas,” Colbert said. “But you know what name would look fantastic on the side of that module? Colbert!”

Since the airing of that episode, the comic has gotten over 30,000 votes, second to the top name “Serenity” and beating out “Xenu,” Scientology’s galactic ruler. But you have to love the idea that perhaps if we all vote enough, we may see the name “Colbert” painted on the side. You have until March 20 to contribute to the count.

Read More | Live Science

Gallery: Vote “Colbert” as Node 3 Name
